
Merete og Magnus Beckman BMP Paleet Diller

“It is absolutely crucial for us that the loyalty program is fully synchronized with POS, e-commerce, SMS and email.”

The store aims to be Norway’s best provider of service and also offers personal shopping as a free service. We interviewed General Manager Merete Beckman and the Chairman of the Board Magnus Beckman about their experiences since the launch of Diller in February 2023.

Why did you start a loyalty program?

We had a different customer program before that didn’t work so well. We were contacted by Diller and were open to something better. The complete package from Diller, with integration to the online store and the cash register system from Front Systems, as well as with SMS and email functions that are completely synchronized, was a huge improvement.

Why did you choose Diller?

Synchronization is the be-all and end-all! What we had before had no integration, so we ended up with separate systems that worked on their own, but not together. That didn’t give us as much return on the work we put in.

Having everything on one platform was absolutely essential. In addition, the price of Diller is very reasonable. The previous solution had very high startup costs and a long termination time.

Also, for us to be satisfied as customers, we need to be followed up, and that’s what Diller is good at. We are very satisfied with the support we get from Ekin in the Diller team.

What do you regard as the most important benefits of a loyalty program?

Customers feel that they get something back from us, and they are pleasantly surprised when they have a coupon waiting for them. The 15% welcome discount is also very enticing for new members. Customers earn bonus points and get a lot back when they shop with us regularly. We have many competitors, and our main goal is for members to be loyal and come to us because of our good service.

The birthday coupon also elicits a very positive response. We find it important to inform customers about the birthday gift, because after we started reminding them to enter their birthday, many more are using the coupon, and we notice that they are happy about this gesture from us.

How do you recruit new members?

We always ask at the checkout if they want to become a member and have posters with QR codes in the fitting rooms and at the cash register. We ask for phone numbers when they pay, and then they are automatically registered in Diller if the number is not registered before. We hear that customers receive an SMS message, and then we tell them about the customer program and the benefits. They can then choose whether to activate the membership, and they have the receipt with us regardless.

How does your loyalty program work?

We primarily use the customer program for discounts, such as celebrations, campaigns, seasonal sales or sales launches. We send SMS messages to all members so they get the message before anyone else – that makes the program more exclusive for our members. They get a head start. We have a bonus system that rewards customers that shop often with us.

We also use SMS to inform about Mid Season Sale, and then it is only those who receive the SMS who know about the sale, because nothing is shown in the store. You have to show the received SMS to get the discount. This also works very well, and our members appreciate this benefit.

How important is it that Diller is integrated into the POS and online store?

This is absolutely crucial, and we would not have had a customer club without integration and synchronization! It is also important that GDPR is in order, and we got that well in place with Diller.

What do you see for the future?

Earlier this year, we were hacked on Instagram and lost all 14,000 of our followers – very unfortunate! We therefore need to build up a new page and follower base and we see that now we are getting more active and engaged followers. We use Instagram to profile By Malene Birger and bring new customers into the store. After the hacker attack, we also see that it is absolutely necessary to have control and own our own marketing channel, as we do with Diller.

It is important to use the loyalty program correctly – and remember to use it! Diller as a concept, with everything on one platform, is great; email, SMS, purchase history and bonus accumulation are all in one place.

When we started with Diller, we had around 8,000 members, and just a little over a year later, we have increased to over 13,000 members. We are very pleased with this, as we after all have one, family-owned store. Our goal is to increase the membership base by 3,000 new members per year going forward. We look forward to the continuation!

Diller® – the loyalty platform that has everything you need. Easy, intuitive, affordable and profitable.

The Diller® loyalty platform helps small and medium-sized businesses increase their competitiveness by getting customers to shop more, and more often. This saves costs and increases the lifetime value.

Diller® is a smart solution for companies that do not have a large marketing budgets, but still want to increase sales. Marketing is expensive, and a loyalty program offers huge savings because you do not spend precious funds getting new customers into the store and webshop.

With a good loyalty program, you can convert single sales to repeat sales and get much better customer dialogue.

Kai Gulbrandsen Princess_Diller

“I have no doubt that much of our growth is due to increased loyalty from members.”

Why did you start a loyalty program?

We’ve actually had some form of a loyalty program for many years – even before Diller – because we were curious to see if there was something there that could contribute to increased customer loyalty. The first few years this was a “side job” for us, but gradually we became more curious about the possibilities for increased purchase frequency and loyalty. We wanted to tackle this a bit more properly.

We quickly entered into dialogue with Diller, mainly because the platform seemed like a very good, easy-to use and cost-effective software. We got started in the fall of 2023.

What do you see as the main benefits of a loyalty program?

It’s purchase frequency and the opportunity to communicate more personally with what we call “our friends” – the members. In the future, it will be very important to have communication with those who prefer to shop with you, especially in light of GDPR and privacy legislation.

Third-party channels are becoming less and less effective, and we see that it will be necessary in the future to own the dialogue with customers.

What sales results have you seen so far?

We have had good growth this year, and this is due to a combination of marketing, great effort in physical stores, and a good product range. However, when we look closer at the numbers, we also see that members – our friends – have higher average purchases and higher purchase frequency.

A large proportion of those who shop are members of the loyalty program. I have no doubt that much of the growth is due to increased loyalty from members. I am sure it’s an important factor.

We have done various tests, including SMS marketing within limited geographic areas, so that we can track data. We see a very good correlation between sending SMS and response in terms of purchases. Members of our loyalty program respond well to a message on SMS.

It is more difficult to pinpoint results from traditional marketing, but for local SMS campaigns, we see direct sales results. The only sensible consequence of this is that we must have even more members!

Can you tell us about the integration between Diller and Lipscore?

We went live with Lipscore in 2022, and from then on, we received reviews from customers who shopped in the online store, and that was valuable to us. We get reviews on products and some on service. I think Lipscore works very well, always working in the background without any hassle for us. Reviews from the online store worked fine, but since 90% of our sales come from physical stores, we wanted to gather reviews from all our sales outlets.

When we set up Diller, Lipscore and Diller were fully integrated, and this created a major, positive change. From then on, we received feedback on product scores and the shopping experience in stores, which made the number of reviews increase significantly. With Diller all our physical stores were included, and that is incredibly valuable to us.

Reviews from the stores are actively used internally. We post review results on our intranet so that employees can see their own store’s results and compare with others.

How does the integration work?

The integration works seamlessly for us. The sales receipt from Diller goes to Lipscore, and Lipscore sends out a review request to the customer. There’s really just one question, and it takes 5 seconds to answer. It is very important that it is experienced as easy and quick for the customers. We try to make everything as smooth as possible for our customers.

How do you recruit new members?

Recruitment of new members mainly happens in the stores. It is also possible to become a member in the webstore, but passive sales doesn’t work as well as when you talk to people – and that happens in the store.

It is the employees who recruit members, and for them it is important to have a simple, professional system to back them up. The threshold for asking is so much lower when you have a system you trust. Motivation among employees cannot be forced – they must want to do it. It works very well today.

How important is it that Diller is integrated in the POS and online store?

This is very important in terms of lowering the barrier to becoming a member. It is essential that everything is well integrated!

We will soon get started with identification via bank cards, which will make it even easier for everyone. Nothing to remember, nothing that can be forgotten – everything will run by itself. It will be seamless and easy for our customers, and everything will seem professional and simple. We are looking forward to this.

What do you think about the collaboration with Diller and Lipscore?

We are very satisfied with the collaboration with both partners. What’s important to me is that someone picks up the phone when I call or responds to inquiries. Both do this right away, and we haven’t had any “crises.”

What characterizes both organizations is that they have delivered on what was promised in the projects. The map matches the terrain, and this is very important in the collaboration with good suppliers.

What do you envision for the future?

We will be recruiting many more new members!

The next step for us is to further develop the loyalty program with Diller Copilot – the use of artificial intelligence – so that we can segment customers based on their interests, purchase history, and data analysis. This will create an even more positive shopping experience for our customers, and they will receive benefits and offers that they perceive as both good and relevant.

Tailored marketing cannot result in lower purchasing frequency – it’s just not possible. Everyone will receive messages that are relevant to them, and not messages that they perceive as “spam”. Nobody joins a loyalty program without having some form of positive relation to the store or brand, and we want to further strengthen this in the future. It should be really good to be a member with us.

Diller® – the loyalty platform that has everything you need. Easy, intuitive, affordable and profitable.

The Diller® loyalty platform helps small and medium-sized businesses increase their competitiveness by getting customers to shop more, and more often. This saves costs and increases the lifetime value.

Diller® is a smart solution for companies that do not have a large marketing budgets, but still want to increase sales. Marketing is expensive, and a loyalty program offers huge savings because you do not spend precious funds getting new customers into the store and webshop.

With a good loyalty program, you can convert single sales to repeat sales and get much better customer dialogue.

“We can communicate with customers even after they have left the store”

First and foremost – congratulations on your 100th anniversary!

Thank you so much – it was a great celebration!

 Why did you start with a loyalty program?

We realized that there was a need to organize and systematize our discounts and customer benefits. Our stores have had various discounts, with programs that only worked in-store and not online. It was confusing for both customers and employees. Customers had to keep receipts to claim their benefits. In other words, it was too cumbersome.

We wanted to simplify and improve our program and make it easier to offer benefits. We spoke to our POS supplier, Extenda Retail, who recommended Diller. We realized that we had access to an integrated system that works in both stores and online.

What are the most important benefits of a loyalty program?

First and foremost we want to get a closer relationships with our customers, so that they become more loyal. A loyalty program simply gives us the opportunity to communicate, with the consent they give when becoming a member. It is a matter of trust that we send information that is relevant and useful. This is important to us.

The loyalty program provides the opportunity to communicate with the customers even after they have left the store, and the loyalty program connects the physical store and the online store.

What do you think of Diller’s functionality?

It’s fantastic to be able to dive into to product-level details, enabling us to provide the best possible customer service.  We have 30,000 product lines in our range, so it is essential to be able to hit the mark with our marketing. Diller really helps us in this regard.

With products ranging from finger paint for children and the best oil paint for artists, to knitting needles, it is of course a challenge to communicate effectively to everyone.

The purchase history of our customers makes it possible to target our communication, so that everyone experience that they receive relevant content, promotions and benefits from us.

What results have you seen so far?

We started at the beginning of 2022 and currently recruit an average of 1000 new members every month. We have around 15,000 members today and are very pleased with that. When we send campaigns by email and SMS, we experience increased traffic in the stores. We have customers who state that they came just because of a message they received, so we see a clear effect.

One example is when we had a late-night promotion in Bergen and sent out a text message to members the same afternoon. We got a high visit rate to the store because of that one SMS.

We have used various email systems for communicating with customers, but have experienced some challenges with these. Now we’ve moved to MailChimp, which is fully integrated with Diller, and this provides us with a completely different range of options. Among other things, we have started with segmentation, which is incredibly important for us in order to be able to send out relevant information.

Those who buy a paint product receive an email a few days later with information about courses, where a landing page from the email presents the teachers in our various painting courses.

How important is it that Diller is integrated with the cash register system?

It was absolutely crucial to our choice!

How important is it that Diller is integrated with the online store?

This is really what made us swap the loyalty program we had previously with Diller. Without the link to the online store, we would have postponed the launch or looked for other solutions.

How do you recruit new members?

We market the loyalty program on the online store There is information at several locations on the webpage and in the chat as a separate button – “ask us about the loyalty program” – plus at checkout in the webstore. We also encourage everyone who shops in the stores to become a member.

A popup message in the POS requesting the customer’s telephone number reminds employees to ask at checkout. The vast majority say yes to becoming a member and save money. We try to encourage them in with a 10% discount on their first purchase.

What do you think of the collaboration with Diller?

We get very good help from Knut in Diller!

An example of good customer support is that we have an employee who responded to the gender segmentation in the Diller solution. It was possible to select “Male”, “Female” or “Do not want to answer”.  My colleague pointed out that “non-binary” is the right 3rd choice, and Diller changed this to accommodate us. We find that Diller is both flexible and willing to join us into the future!

Diller® – the loyalty platform that has everything you need. Easy, intuitive, affordable and profitable.

The Diller® loyalty platform helps small and medium-sized businesses increase their competitiveness by getting customers to shop more, and more often. This saves costs and increases the lifetime value.

Diller® is a smart solution for companies that do not have a large marketing budgets, but still want to increase sales. Marketing is expensive, and a loyalty program offers huge savings because you do not spend precious funds getting new customers into the store and webshop.

With a good loyalty program, you can convert single sales to repeat sales and get much better customer dialogue.

“Loyalty programs are very effective for luxury brands”

Why did you start a loyalty program?

The main reason is that we want to give something back to regular, loyal customers, while at the same time better understand customers’ purchasing patterns. It is key for us to be able to adjust the information we send to our members with their purchase history and preferences.

From my previous experience at NET-A-PORTER, we saw that as much as 90% of the revenue came from returning customers. We learned that a good relationship with loyal customers was incredibly important. My goal is for us to achieve something similar with Linestore.

Loyalty programs are very effective for luxury brands, because customers who shop a lot can earn a good bonus. We want to give members a chance to be rewarded well when they shop a lot and often with us.

The loyalty program will also be an incentive to head out to Fornebu S, which is located just outside Oslo. We have many regular customers locally, but we also want to attract customers from larger parts of the Oslo area.

An important reason to start with a loyalty program is to prevent a discount-related focus outside of the large sales periods of June/July and January. The loyalty program gives great value back to those we want to give something back to – throughout the year.

How did you hear about Diller?

We were in talks with several providers of loyalty programs, but they were too extensive and had extremely high prices. It would have been difficult to calculate a sensible ROI on such an investment.

However, our POS provider Front Systems told us of an integrated solution also working with Shopify. We were then introduced to Diller.

We quickly saw that Diller as a very interesting solution, since we could easily segment by gender and age, which is an important feature for us. We also found that Diller is super easy to use, affordable in price, and that the system works great in both the cash register and our webstore.

How did you get started with Diller?

Holzweiler has used Front Systems since 2014, while the CEO and purchaser have used Front Systems from the very beginning in 2004. We have their POS system in all our shops. It’s a very good cash register system, and their online solution with login and control is awesome.  They also have RFID tags on products, so that we can scan the code at checkout. The web portal provides reports, history, and transactions.

After we had decided on Diller, we set up an onboarding meeting, and were quickly up and running. It was a very smooth and straightforward process. 

What do you see as the main advantages of loyalty program?

Undoubtably the most important is being able to reward loyal customers who shop regularly, so that they come back to our store instead of shopping with others.

There is a strong competition in the fashion industry, and we want good customers to get great benefits and be hence be motivated to return.

With a loyalty program we get to know the customer much better and can create relevant campaigns and content for them. This is really important. We avoid the mid-season sales and can reward those who choose us over time.

How do you recruit new members?

First we transferred the GDPR compliant customers from our database to Diller. We sent them an SMS and already over 200 customers have consented to becoming members, just after launching the program.

The most important job starts now, with recruiting new members. We register new members at checkout, and when we ask thme whether they want to join, no one really declines. It’s just important to remember to ask them! We will also put up a poster at the cash register to remind customers that we have a loyalty program with great benefits.

We give a 15% discount on the first purchase to new members. What’s interesting is that we can see directly that it leads to a larger shopping cart. We had a customer who ended up buying an item in two colors, because she thought it was such a good offer with the 15%.

What do you think of the collaboration with Diller?

Very, very good! It’s been really easy to set up, and the support from Diller is awesome.  I have worked quite a lot with online stores before, and the team at Diller provides good input all the way. I find that they are not “order recipients”, but rather advisors who work with us. They are solution-oriented and provide great recommendations.

What do you think of the collaboration with Front Systems?

It’s fantastic. We get good help from both Lars and Haakon and everyone at Support!

How important is it that Diller is integrated with the POS system?

It is simply alfa and omega, because what happens at the cash register is key. It is a very smooth process, both in the stores and online.

How important is it that Diller is integrated with the webstore?

It’s essential. The integration between Diller and Shopify is seamless and good. This is absolutely necessary for us.

For example, if we have a customer who has bought a gift for a family member, we can simply look up the customer and all the purchases will show, with sizes and. It enables us to provide good customer service. It’s also easy to give our customers recommendations based on previous purchases, and this often leads to additional sales.

What do you expect going forward?

We hope that we will take big steps in terms of revenue increase, and that we will have many active members. It is important that we spend enough time and resources to achieve our goals now from the start. We are very excited. Now it’s all about recruiting new members!

We believe that analyzing purchase data over time will become important, and that it is absolutely necessary to have good segmentation. We want to send SMS messages that are tailored to segments instead of campaigns on menswear to women and vice versa. An SMS from us should be relevant and interesting.

People are members everywhere, but we have something that is unique in our segment. We want to offer an exciting loyalty program to be a member of, which gives loyal customers great benefits.

We plan to run in-store events to showcase new products and collections, and for example let members shop 7-10 days in advance during our sales periods. Loyal members should also have access to in-demand items earlier than others.

How have you set up your loyalty program?

We have built up a bonus program with Gold/Silver/Bronze levels, so that we give back in the best possible way for different levels of purchases with us.

We want to do things a little differently. On Black Friday, for example, we do our own thing – no offers or discounts on everything, but rather  a good discount coupon for everyone who has become a member of the loyalty program since we launched it.

We also plan to run competitions, such as member X or Y getting a pair of free shoes. In the fashion industry there are very many players. We want to be top of mind!

What do you think about the combination of physical store and online store?

We have webstore, and it is of course very important to make our product range easily available online.

At the same time we have great faith in the personal experience in-store, with good communication at the time of purchase. We have had the same part- and full time employees for 6-7 years, and it means a lot to us that our customers experience continuity. Customers sometimes just come to say hello. Over time it provides both good revenue, high conversion rates, and happy, loyal customers.

Our webstore went live just 3 weeks ago and we will be using the website actively to draw customers to our store. The webstore is therefore a virtual  “look book”.  We invest in marketing both the physical store, webstore, and loyalty program going forward, so that we get at great start of the program with many new members.

Diller® – the loyalty platform that has everything you need. Easy, intuitive, affordable and profitable.

The Diller® loyalty platform helps small and medium-sized businesses increase their competitiveness by getting customers to shop more, and more often. This saves costs and increases the lifetime value.

Diller® is a smart solution for companies that do not have a large marketing budgets, but still want to increase sales. Marketing is expensive, and a loyalty program offers huge savings because you do not spend precious funds getting new customers into the store and webshop.

With a good loyalty program, you can convert single sales to repeat sales and get much better customer dialogue.

“The Diller team made us feel very well taken care of”

Why did you start a loyalty program?

For many years we have had a non-digital loyalty program. We found it difficult to follow up and didn’t think it worked very well. We therefore needed to renew ourselves and get better control of our customer base.

We have always known that a good loyalty program is essential to be able to communicate with customers to a greater extent, and to be able to adapt the communication so that it is more relevant. It was long over due!

What made you make the decision to make the change?

I started working at Olivenlunden in March 2021, and then we began looking into it. We went into a process with multiple vendors to see who could help us.

We chose Diller because they were a good fit to our size in addition to the fact that the program has very good functionality. We focused on collaboration and consulting, because it’s important to work with someone who can help us in the process of building a really good loyalty program.

Several suppliers presented their solutions, but with some of them we would become a very small customer. With Diller, we felt very well taken care of. Diller had lots of good input and advice on how to help us.

What do you see as the main benefits of a loyalty program?

For us it is to be able to adapt the communication and make it more relevant. In our industry, competition is intensified, because now you even can get olive oil at the pharmacy and in many other places.

We see that there are competitors coming in several industries, and we need to do what we can to keep our loyal customers. We therefore want to reward those who shop with us, and with a loyalty program we can achieve exactly that.

In our stores we always let customers taste our products, because with us you will get an experience of a generous concept. The fact that we can now also reward the most loyal customers fits like a glove with the concept. We do what we can to stand out positively!

How important is it that Diller is integrated with the cash register?

It’s very important. We want as few systems as possible, and with the integration with PCKasse we felt confident in the process of introducing a loyalty platform.

.. and how important is it that Diller is integrated into the online store?

It is equally necessary that the loyalty program is fully integrated with the online store, which we have built on WooCommerce. We used to have an outdated website, but after we launched a new website just before Christmas in 2021, we look forward to taking full advantage of all the new systems and processes. Now the basics are in place, and we look forward to developing this further!

How do you recruit new members?

We mainly recruit members in stores. Every time someone shops, you’re asked to join. The website will eventually become an important recruitment channel for us as well.

In the past, we have given new members a welcome gift when they sign up, but we want to change the concept and are in the process of thinking about our new loyalty program for both the store and the online store. It should be a really good thing for customers to become a member of our loyalty program.

What kind of results have you seen so far?

You’re always excited before the launch of a new system. What immediately came to light when we moved to a digital loyalty program was that it was very well received by the stores, because it is so easy to use. That was the first thing we noticed, and it was a very good launch. We also saw that the employees became eager to recruit, and that the customers wanted to become members.

We have seen a tremendous increase in the number of new members per month since we switched to Diller. We already have over 20,000 members in our customer base, and we enlist 1,500-1,700 members per month without any special promotions or activities.

What we’ve done is compare the stores to track the number of members per store. In the beginning, there was a big difference between the best recruiters and those who did not have much focus on it. Now we see that all the stores are recruiting consistently well.

Our Digital Manager will spend a lot of time with follow-up and structure going forward. Segmentation, analysis, and custom communication are some of the keywords. One of the company’s most important goals this year is to develop the loyalty program.

Do you have examples of successful campaigns?

Recruiting new members has gone very well, and it gives us a good foundation for developing custom campaigns for our members.

We look forward to using SMS campaigns, as it is such an effective channel for communication and response. I see for myself that I respond very quickly when I receive SMS.

We also have good potential for in-store events, and we have done this a lot in the past. Then we invited good customers “over the counter”. Now we can do this in a much better way. For example, we can hold olive oil courses, balsamic courses or invite to relaunch products. Now through data analysis we can easily see who are our most loyal customers. Then we can invite exactly them to courses or pre-tasting and so on. This will be fantastically good going forward.

How did you hear about Diller?

It was through PCKasse and our checkout supplier Totall, where we received a recommendation for Diller. In addition, our Digital Manager Krissa had heard of Diller.

What do you think of your collaboration with Diller?

We find that the Diller team is very helpful and positive, and it only takes a few minutes from asking for something until we get an answer! It’s really good follow-up. We would like for Diller to be advisors in our further journey to develop the loyalty program, and we feel well taken care of.

What are your plans going forward?

This year the plan is to establish the new tools, further develop the loyalty program and the program we offer the members, as well as to reinforce the website. We want to optimize the work we have done so far. We have a good team in place and good tools, so this will be fun.

We at Olivenlunden want to get even more people to discover our products and to get our story out. It hasn’t come out clear enough. We work closely with our suppliers and manufacturers. We have a lot of nice things to talk about, and we want to be even more visible.

Diller® – the loyalty platform that has everything you need. Easy, intuitive, affordable and profitable.

The Diller® loyalty platform helps small and medium-sized businesses increase their competitiveness by getting customers to shop more, and more often. This saves costs and increases the lifetime value.

Diller® is a smart solution for companies that do not have a large marketing budgets, but still want to increase sales. Marketing is expensive, and a loyalty program offers huge savings because you do not spend precious funds getting new customers into the store and webshop.

With a good loyalty program, you can convert single sales to repeat sales and get much better customer dialogue.

“The goal is for the loyalty program to be the “icing on the cake” for our customers”

Why did you start with a loyalty program?

Our main goal was to create a better customer experience. We wanted it to be easier than it was before, when we had paper coupon cards, and we wanted to get closer to our customers. We also wished to make it easier for our employees to have good customer dialogue in the store. With Diller, the customer just enters their phone number at checkout, and employees easily register new members or see purchase history and interests of existing members. It works great and provides a good customer experience.

What made you decide to switch to the Diller platform?

We have known for a long time that it is necessary to have a good loyalty program. We had a program before as well, but Diller has a much better recruitment system, and is very intuitive and easy to use. The old system had no integration to our cash register, so we decided to switch to Diller which is fully integrated with the checkout.

When we investigated whether Diller was right for us, I recognized the same features from loyalty programs I personally am a member of and that I believe are good. Diller has all the features that make me stay loyal to a company or store.

How did you hear about Diller?

We learned about Diller both through our own web searches and via Pål Bakken in ExtendaRetail. They deliver the ExtendaGO POS system that we use. We got a demonstration of Diller and decided to switch to a new loyalty platform and transfer the membership base, so that all existing members had the opportunity to join our new loyalty program.

What kind of results have you seen so far?

Already after only 1 month of running the new platform, we see that average sales are significantly higher for members compared to non-members. We also see that recruitment of new members in the store is going very well – above all expectations!

We started on September 21st 2021, and during the nine days of September we recruited 2080 new members. And to this day, on October 18th, we have recruited 5050 new members in October alone. We estimate that we get more new members in October with Diller than we recruited in total from October 2019 to September 2021. This is possible because it is so easy for employees to handle registration of new members at checkout. Everyone who shops with us gets asked if they want to join the loyalty program, and the employees tells them that they get a 10% welcome coupon, digital coupon cards, and other great benefits as a member.

We experience that sales and margins are higher despite providing an initial 10% discount. The customers tend to put a little extra in the shopping cart to make the most of the discount.

What are your goals for the loyalty program?

We aim to reach 100,000 new members within 1 year – and we believe that is a rather careful estimate. We open new stores in Vestby and Skien over the next few months, so there is potential for a good increase in the membership base.

The goal is for the loyalty program to be the “icing on the cake” for our customers, so that they wish to continue shopping with us.

What will you do going forward to keep the high recruitment rate?

We have several measures in progress. Today we have all employees ask customers at checkout if they want to become a member. Employees inform about the welcome gift of 10%, about digital coupon cards, and that members get offers before others in weekly newsletters. In addition to this, we are going to put up posters with QR codes in the stores, so that customers can register themselves before they get to the cash register. We’re also going to set up displays with member benefits in all of our warehouses, and seeing that some stores and employees are “super recruiters,” we’re also going to share more information between warehouses.

What do you think about the opportunities in segmenting the member base?

We see great potential to use segmentation to benefit our customers. Our customers belong to very different groups, and communicating to for example dog owners is completely different from reptile owners. Member segmentation help us navigate better to make sure we communicate in a good way to all our customers.

Today we divide members into different segments. First of all, we categorize members to their preferred store and what kind of pets they have. Next, we segment on interests, such as hunting, breeding, family with pets, hiking & outdoors, pet shows, agility, or feeding. Diller offers “multi choice” opportunity, which is great, because many multiple pets and interests.

Because of the segmentation, we can add many more tailormade member benefits into our program, such as invitation to free dog training for loyal members who have accumulated a certain bonus level.

What vision do you have for PetXL as a company?

We want to be the ultimate destination for pet owners. With us, you get everything you need for your pet, whether it’s products in the store, veterinary services, dog grooming or rehabilitation. All these services and products are to be made available to the pet owners in a simple and intuitive way, so that they get a great overall experience when shopping. With the loyalty program as the “icing on the cake”, it really pays off to shop with us. Loyal customers get great customized benefits and offers. We also want to build communities for like-minded pet owners with common interests.

How important is it that Diller is integrated with the cash register?

That was a decisive factor. It was essential with good integration between the POS and loyalty program. The alternative would be far too cumbersome, and we only want seamless, fully integrated solutions.

What do you think of your collaboration with Diller?

Very good! Knut Ole Hauge in Diller has been extremely good at following us up along the way, and we are very pleased with that.

How did you get started, and what do you envis imagine going forward?

It was important that the loyalty program had good benefits from the start, with a welcome coupon and digital coupon cards for different pet owners. We plan to have bonus points systems and different membership levels coming up, because this will create an even better loyalty program for our members.

Diller is really a marketing platform more than just a loyalty program, and we are very much looking forward to giving our customers great experiences in our stores. Even better segmentation and custom advantages should benefit our members going forward!


Diller® – the loyalty platform that has everything you need. Easy, intuitive, affordable and profitable.

The Diller® loyalty platform helps small and medium-sized businesses increase their competitiveness by getting customers to shop more, and more often. This saves costs and increases the lifetime value.

Diller® is a smart solution for companies that do not have a large marketing budgets, but still want to increase sales. Marketing is expensive, and a loyalty program offers huge savings because you do not spend precious funds getting new customers into the store and webshop.

With a good loyalty program, you can convert single sales to repeat sales and get much better customer dialogue.

Cosmetic retail chain with a fast-growing loyalty program

Why did you start with a loyalty program?

First and foremost, we wanted to build loyalty and get closer to our customers, and also to help make it a more conscious decision which cosmetic store a customer end up visiting. We wanted to make a difference and give customers good reasons to come to us. We were very clear about the importance of a good loyalty program – we simply saw the need.

Our goal is to create shopping experiences that hopefully exceed the expectations of our customers. We try to run our loyalty program in a way that makes our customers feel it is both enjoyable and useful to be a member.

The loyalty program is a marketing platform that is part of our marketing budget. The communication to club members via SMS and email reaches customers more directly than many other marketing channels. It is cost effective and works well for us.

What kind of results have you seen so far?

We see good results from the loyalty program. The immediate feedback comes from employees in the store, who notice that customers enter the stores just 5-10 minutes after we send out an SMS. These SMS messages have a big effect. We believe that SMS is the best channel for reaching members, since it is personal and direct. We make sure to have a good mix of email newsletters and promotions by SMS, so that customers don’t get too many inquiries from us, because we don’t want to “bother” them.

We send SMS campaigns every month with a good offer and a simple message. We see that this is effective, and that customers are responding by visiting our stores and shopping with us.

Read more about the sales results the retail chain has experienced.

Do you have examples of successful campaigns?

Campaigns with a 30% discount on an optional item or category campaigns with for example a good skincare offer are always very successful. Once you get the customer into the store, there will often be upsell opportunities of other items, so we see that such promotions pay off in a good way.

We also believe that there may be good potential in inviting loyal customers at a certain bonus level to e.g. skincare events in the store or other relevant and exclusive events. It definitely doesn’t always have to be discounts that drive loyalty. A combination of discounts and exclusive events is quite effective. We look forward to doing more of this going forward.

How important is it that Diller is integrated with the POS / cash register?

It was simply essential!

What do you think of the cooperation between you, Diller and Dekon?

Diller was recommended to us by Fredrik Halvorsen in Dekon,which is our supplier of cash register systems. It’s been an excellent collaboration between the parties. In particular, I’d like to mention Knut Ole Hauge in Diller, who has been phenomenal in assisting us through the process.

How did you get started —and how do you recruit new club members?

We started with Diller in April 2021 and we are very pleased with the recruitment of new members to the loyalty program. We had 85,000 members from our previous loyalty member database when we started, and after only six months we have doubled this to 170,000 customers in our membership base.

Recruitment of new members takes place in our stores, and all employees ask customers if they want to become a member. They mention the welcome coupon, which is a 30% discount on an optional item, and that members save 2.5% bonus every time they shop. We see that this works really well.

What do you think about the potential of segmenting the member base?

We believe that it’s important and that it will enable us to create really good concepts and benefits for our members. We look forward to addressing this more going forward. Both segmentation on demographics and interests, but also campaigns based on purchase history are interesting. For example, it might be good to have campaigns towards non-active customers with a good offer to encourage a revisit to their local store.

What is your vision for the loyalty program going forward?

Today’s consumers aren’t necessarily super loyal, so it’s important to have a loyalty program that makes them enjoy shopping with us. We always have great offers, but we also try to create good shopping experiences. If a customer leaves the store with a bag full of products, it is a happy and satisfied customer who has had a good customer experience.

We believe that we will have around 250,000 members by next year, and it is more important to us that we have active customers than to have as many members as possible. We look forward to developing the loyalty program, to make sure that it’s an important part of creating these great shopping experiences.


Diller®. All you need in a loyalty program – easy, affordable and profitable

The Diller® loyalty platform helps small and medium-sized businesses increase their competitiveness by getting customers to shop more, and more often. This saves costs and increases the lifetime value.

Diller® is a smart solution for companies that do not have a large marketing budgets, but still want to increase sales. Marketing is expensive, and a loyalty program offers huge savings because you do not spend precious funds getting new customers into the store and webshop.

With a good loyalty program, you can convert single sales to repeat sales and get much better customer dialogue. – a rapidly growing gardening webstore

Why did you start with a loyalty program?

First and foremost, we wanted to have a good relationship with our customers. To succeed, we needed a quality loyalty platform, so that we could have a foundation to become the online store that people want to visit – and return to – when shopping for garden supplies.

What made you decide to get started  at the time?

I found inspiration in other industries and with players that have good loyalty programs, so I thought that needed something similar to create loyal customers who felt connected to us.

What kind of results have you seen so far?

We have had an insane growth in the company, and it has been a lot of fun – and hard work. The step-by-step model with points in the customer club seems to work well and helps to structure growth. We started the loyalty program in November 2020 , and we have already gained 9,500 members by May ’21. We are very pleased with that.

Have you got any examples of successful campaigns?

Yes, our registration setup is very effective. After a few seconds of browsing on our website, a pop-up appears informing you that you get a 10% discount on the first purchase. The customer enters his email address and when checking out at he is asked to check the box for customer club membership to get the discount.

It is clear that customers think this is a good deal, when you look at the number of members we have gained in such a short time. Those who do not shop that day will join our email list, and may become members and get the discount in the next round.

We also see that the SMS campaigns we have run are effective and create increased traffic. I think we can get many benefits from developing the loyalty program going forward, so that the campaigns become even more customized and personal for the individual customer.

How important is it that Diller is integrated with WooCommerce?

It would have been completely irrelevant without this integration! Everything we do is built on the principles of automation and integration, in other words that everything should ‘talk to each other’. So this was absolutely essential to our choice of loyalty platform.

What do you think of the collaboration with Diller?

Brilliant! We have always had a great dialogue, and I always get quick and good feedback. The web agency EasyWeb has developed our website and online store, and the collaboration also flows very well between us, EasyWeb and Diller.

How did you hear about Diller?

I searched around the internet for suppliers and found Diller that way. They have everything we need in a loyalty program, and for me it was an added advantage that it is a Norwegian company.

What do you see as the key benefits of having a loyalty program?

It is to get to know our customers. It is of course also important that we get the GDPR consent in place, so that we communicate in a correct way legally. Now in the beginning, one of the most important things has been to set up a member base where the consent is “We are not doing everything perfectly yet, but we see great potential in the future.

I also believe that the customer club can help extend the sales season, by informing members about products for both outdoor and indoor gardening in different seasons of the year.

What do your customers say?

We know that customers are happy with the benefits they receive and that it is easy to be a member. They think it is positive that they find their available bonus coupons at the touch of a button in the shopping cart.

What are your plans going forward?

We see that there are good opportunities to make the loyalty program even more relevant to the members by making a better segmentation of the membership base. That way, we would get more knowledge about what the customers are interested in and need information about.

In general, we want to grow and get many more members. The goal is to have 50,000 members in the customer club. We believe that a good loyalty program is an key to retaining customers over time.

Diller® – the loyalty platform that has everything you need. Easy, intuitive, affordable and profitable.

The Diller® loyalty platform helps small and medium-sized businesses increase their competitiveness by getting customers to shop more, and more often. This saves costs and increases the lifetime value.

Diller® is a smart solution for companies that do not have a large marketing budgets, but still want to increase sales. Marketing is expensive, and a loyalty program offers huge savings because you do not spend precious funds getting new customers into the store and webshop.

With a good loyalty program, you can convert single sales to repeat sales and get much better customer dialogue.

“We like that we can customize campaigns exactly how we want to”

Why did you start up a loyalty program?

We wanted to create a closer bond with our customers and at the same time offer our loyal customers some extra benefits. We had been thinking about it for a while, and in connection with the opening of the online store, we took the step in December 2020. We already had many loyal customers, and we wanted to give them extra benefits by becoming members of our loyalty program.

How did you hear about Diller?

We received a recommendation from Erik Wenås in Protekt IT, which is our dealer of cash register systems. We are extremely satisfied with the collaboration – and with the loyalty program. And not least, our customers are happy!

What do you consider to be the most important benefits of Diller?

We like that we can customize the campaigns exactly how we want to. Campaigns and activities are easy to manage. We have clients who shop a lot with us, and they will get extra good benefits based on their purchase levels.

In the past, before we had a loyalty program, we often made a difference between the customers, in that some got an extra item with big purchases while others got a discount. It was a bit random. Skien is a small place in Norway, and it is important that the program now is the same for everyone, i.e. that customers get the similar discounts and benefits, depending on their purchase levels. It’s become more fair for our loyal customers.

What kind of results have you had so far?

We can see that customers are very happy! We also feel that we have become their preferred store. This is a proof to us that the customer club has been a successful investment.

When customers shop in the store, we ask them if they want to become members and tell them that they get gift vouchers after a certain consumption, invitations to events and other benefits. Everyone signs up!

Have you got any examples of successful campaigns?

When we started the seasonal sale in January, we sent an SMS to the members that they were allowed to come one day before the sale started, and that they got an extra 10% discount on sale items. It was very well received, and we saw a noticeable effect on sales.

We’ll be much more active with the loyalty program after corona measures cease. We will not focus as much on discounts, but much more on creating experiences for members. We have had many events in the past, and now we will connect events with our loyalty program. We believe that customers greatly appreciate such benefits.

How important was it that Diller is integrated into the cash register?

It was extremely important to us, because all the systems became connected and the customers could get a better experience. The integration makes it easy for us to handle customers in a good way even when it is very busy in the store.

How do you recruit members to the customer club?

We recruit members when customer visits the store. We started recruiting members when the sale started in January. We told customers they got 50% off sales by joining the customer club. Everyone signed up!

After the sale was finished, we have continued to ask customers at checkout. We ask if they want to become members, and that they receive gift vouchers after a certain purchase level, that they will receive invitations to events and other benefits. Still no one says no.

Eventually we will also recruit members in our online store, but we haven’t come this far just yet. We will be much more active with the loyalty program going forward and look forward to inviting our members to fun activities and promotions.

Coco’s solution is delivered in close collaboration between Protekt IT , PCKasse and Diller.

Diller® – the loyalty platform that has everything you need. Easy, intuitive, affordable and profitable.

The Diller® loyalty platform helps small and medium-sized businesses increase their competitiveness by getting customers to shop more, and more often. This saves costs and increases the lifetime value.

Diller® is a smart solution for companies that do not have a large marketing budgets, but still want to increase sales. Marketing is expensive, and a loyalty program offers huge savings because you do not spend precious funds getting new customers into the store and webshop.

With a good loyalty program, you can convert single sales to repeat sales and get much better customer dialogue.