
Diller Customer Journey 2024 copyright_EN

The importance of a loyalty program

Acquiring new customers has become increasingly costly, with campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and other third-party channels becoming more expensive and less effective.

When a customer is identified, the stores no longer have to spend money on Google, Facebook, etc. to get the same customer into the store one more time, because the store has its own marketing channel through Diller, with consent to have relevant and purchase-triggering dialogue with its customers when they’re not in the store.

Have a closer look the illustration, where we visualize the customer journey with and without a loyalty program. The cost of acquiring new customers is simply too high if businesses don’t focus on retaining and nurturing their existing customer base.

New: The Loyalty Calculator

We have developed a calculator that allows you to quite easily calculate the great potential loyal customers represents for your business. What does a loyalty program really mean for sales and profitability?

What happens when a customer buys more, and more often? For example, if he buys for 10 Euro more, visits the store/webstore twice more in a year – or is a customer for 6 months longer? Input your key numbers and check our what loyal customers can mean for your business.

Cafe welcome Diller loyalty

How Diller makes modern marketing technology available for everyone

Good marketing technology can be one of the greatest assets to a business, but often such tools are used only by the larger players. The tools available are both expensive and require a lot of labor to keep programs running.

Having a good loyalty program creates a huge advantage for the larger chains, and as a result this makes it even harder for the smaller and newer businesses to attract customers. The smaller stores fall behind, since they don’t have the opportunity to compete on equal terms.

A shopper’s buying decision is often influenced by broadly marketed marketing campaigns from the larger stores and chains. They have marketing budgets that simply doesn’t work for the SMB market.

But who doesn’t love their local mom & pop flower store or the bakery at the corner? It seems unfair that small and beloved stores are prevented from competing with the bigger ones. Diller decided to do something about this! We saw the struggle the SMB market is facing, and how the larger chains just grew bigger and took more market share.

The idea of Diller is to make modern technology available for every type of store out there – physical and online. Our mission is to provide a seamless, automated marketing and loyalty platform that’s affordable and easy to use. Finally the smaller stores can start rewarding their customer and build their own member base. It’s only fair, right?

Diller allows the store to build a customized loyalty program that is tailormade to how the business operates, be it with referrals, member level, coupons, discounts, stamp cards, or just spreading the word of what’s going on to boost customer retention and revenue.

The stores are now offered a tool that gives access to purchase data, customer insights, and practices to track and boost store activity.

Most importantly, we recognize that the SMB market needs easy-to-use and intuitive tools to save time. Therefore, features such as marketing automation, preset segments, and SMS campaigns are key elements of the software.

Talk to one of our experts to discuss how Diller can help your store grow.

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It has never been easier to set up a loyalty program to get repeat customers. Diller® is everything you need – easy, affordable and profitable.

How working with a third-party expert can boost your customer retention

There is no secret that competition among online retailers is intensifying, making it harder than ever to attract new customers. The large spike in the number of online retailers during Covid rapidly changed customers behavior, driving them to shop online.

That said, new trends show that shoppers are returning to the physical stores. This pinpoints the fact that it’s not enough for retailers to succeed only with new customers. They need to make customer retention and loyalty a primary focus as well.

How do you attract new customers and retain the ones you already gained? The old mentality of “doing it all by yourself” is way outdated. In order to make your business succeed today and in the future, you need to partner up with experts in order to win.

Retailers pair up with third-party solutions as for instance payment, pickup services, and eCommerce sites in order to operate a sustainable business. The beauty of technology today is that SaaS helps business owners create a tailored setup, allowing them to seamlessly integrate the necessary tools to optimize their eCommerce business.

In order to free up time and work more efficiently, business owners need to trust the third-party experts, and Diller is an excellent integration to boost customer retention and grow the business. According to our customer surveys, Diller is more than just another integration, it’s a valued partnership.

«When we investigated whether Diller was right for us, I recognized all the good features from loyalty programs I personally am a member of. Diller has all the qualities that make me stay loyal to a company or store. Already after only 1 month of running the new loyalty platform, we see that average sales are significantly higher for members compared to non-members.»
– Marketing Manager Jon G. Andersen at PetXL

Diller’s marketing and loyalty features ensures longevity of your business by offering valuable data insights on customers’ purchase patterns. Diller’s modern technology on gathering and analyzing customer data is a key tool to drive growth.

With Diller integration, retailers set themselves up for success with tailored campaigns, marketing automation, personalized dialogue with customers, targeted segmentation, and valuable data analytics. Ready to start working with an expert? Request a demo here:

Making the customer visible with loyalty program

How to make the “invisible” customer visible?

Stricter privacy laws and the ban on third-party coookies make targeted marketing both difficult and expensive.

Make the “invisible” customer visible with a good loyalty program

Today a customer can go in and out of the store and be completely “invisible”. It doesn’t have to be that way, however – and the future-oriented companies won’t let it happen. By collecting customer data in your own marketing channel in a way that customers both approve and like, you can effectively avoid the problem. An “invisible” customer becomes “visible”, a person you get to know and can communicate with.

Is it really that simple? Yes, it actually is.

Diller is integrated with a number of POS checkout systems and web stores, which means you have a ready-made loyalty program that’s fully integrated with what you already are using.

By recruiting members to the loyalty program, you automatically get GDPR privacy consent and can start the customer dialogue in your own market channel – a loyalty platform that you own. You are constantly collecting new customer data and can tailor your communication. You no longer need expensive marketing on Google, Facebook or Instagram.

Start today and build for the future

Diller makes it a lot easier and cheaper to get customers back into your store or web store. When you have a returning customer, your sale increases without spending money on marketing. You are increasing your sales while at the same time collecting data and gaining invaluable insight into what your customers want today, tomorrow and the day after. It’s just a matter of getting started!

“The Diller Effect” // sell more, and more often

The Diller® loyalty platform helps small and medium-sized businesses increase their competitiveness by getting customers to shop more and more often. But what does this really mean in practice? What does customer club mean for the economy?

Example of how much it pays financially to have loyal customers:

Calculus customer club_loyalty Diller

By shopping for NOK 100 more per time, 1 extra time per year and by being a customer 6 months longer, a loyal customer can contribute with a turnover increase of 80%.

Read more about the benefits of customer club.

3 months free onboarding

To get the most out of your customer club as quickly as possible, it is important to get started in the right way. Diller offers 3 months of free onboarding, which means that we are available to help you get the customer club up and running in the best possible way.

In short, we will accompany you on the journey for the first few months, until you and your employees become familiar with all the possibilities that are available. That way, the customer club becomes profitable from day one.