
Diller illustration copyright all rights reserved 2020 lr

Partnership with Diller

Want to become a Diller® reseller or integrate the loyalty platform into your solution? We have a strategy of growing together with good partners and are always interested in dialogue about relevant collaboration opportunities. Feel free to get in touch!

Retail is undergoing major changes, partly due to increased digitalisation and e-commerce. Technological changes are intervening in the entire value chain and challenging existing business models, as a result of more efficient logistics structures and new opportunities to communicate with customers.

The Diller loyalty platform helps small and medium-sized businesses that want to convert hard-earned sales to repeat customers that provide increased lifetime value and higher sales.

Diller is in strong growth and has a wide partner network around Norway and in Europe. Our loyalty platform is integrated with Norway’s largest cash register supplier and the world’s largest eCommerce platform.

Contact us if you would like a chat about collaboration opportunities.