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Diller choosing best loyalty program

What should you think about when choosing a loyalty platform?

In today’s competitive business market, retaining loyal customers is more important than ever. One of the most effective ways to do this is by implementing a loyalty program. However, with so many loyalty platforms available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your business.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a loyalty platform:

  • Ease of use

It is important to find a loyalty platform that is easy for you to set up, and for you and your team / employees to use. If the loyalty platform is user-friendly for both you and your team, it can save a significant amount of time that would otherwise be spent managing the loyalty program and all its features.

More importantly, it should not only be intuitive for you, but also for your customers. Choose a loyalty platform where the registration to your loyalty program is seamless and easy for your customers. The easier the registration, the higher conversion rate you will have.


  • Pricing

Consider the pricing of the loyalty platforms and whether it provides a good platform for your specific brand and store, and for your customers. Is there a start-up cost? Do they charge per order or per member? Do they provide the rewards systems and features you want? Do you have to pay for integrations? What is their SMS price in your country? Do they have free support?

Make sure to analyze the overall price picture to ensure that the loyalty program will not be too expensive for your store.

  • Features

When choosing a loyalty platform, many already have in mind what rewards and system they want for their customers. Therefore, when choosing a loyalty platform, you should consider which reward systems they offer, or whether they provide a solution close enough to what you want for your customers. Have a demo of the solution, and make sure to prepare questions ahead of time so that you can ensure you get the answers to all the questions you have about their loyalty platform.

  • Language

Most prefers to use a software in their own local language. Customers will also prefer to use a loyalty program in their own language. Therefore, you should choose a loyalty platform in your local language, to make the user experience even better for all your customers.

  • Integrations

Your loyalty platform should be integratable with your existing systems. Do you use an email platform? Check if the loyalty platform is integratable with it. Do you have a point-of-sale system in-store? Can the loyalty platform be integrated with it? And what about your webshop? These are factors you should consider when choosing a loyalty platform. An omnichannel solution will provide your customers with a good customer experience across all channels, whether online or offline.

  • Data and analytics

Find a loyalty platform that provides easy to use registration for members with both privacy consent and data protection compliance. Make sure you gather information from your customers in correspondence with laws and regulations. This way you will have access to a large amount of relevant information about your customers, their interests and purchase history – legally.

You should not only gather the information, but it should also be presented in a way to make it easy for you and your team to analyze the data and use it for sales purposes. Make sure you get information about the loyalty platform dashboard, reports etc. and on how the information is presented.

  • Customer support

It is important to consider what support the loyalty platform offers. Do you have to pay for support services? Are they available 24/7? Do they have an FAQ or something similar available to make it easy for you to figure out problems yourself? Check with the different providers!


Interested in the Diller Loyalty Platform? Reach out to our team for a demo of our loyalty platform.

Book a FREE demo in our calendar here. We will take you through a quick 30 min demo to show how you can use Diller to grow your business.


3 ways to increase customer retention

Retaining customers has become more crucial than ever as it is more cost effective than acquiring new customers. In fact, according to inc.com it costs 5-10 times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing customer. Therefore, it is essential for businesses to implement business strategies to keep customers coming back to their store, whether it’s a physical store or online. 

Here are 3 effective ways to help you increase customer retention.

1. Create a Loyalty Program

There are many reasons as to why you should start a loyalty program. One of the most important reasons is that it will help you sell more, for a much less cost than many other marketing strategies. A customer loyalty program makes it much easier to get customer back to the store, so that they shop again and again… and again. Having a good rewards program helps convert single purchases to repetition sales = increased lifetime value, which in turn will create more brand loyalty and revenue for your store.

Did you know that… the probability of selling to an existing customer is between 60-70%, while that of a new customer is only between 5-20%? (Marketing Metrics)

A loyalty program will also help you get crucial GDPR consent, so that you can easily analyze customers interests and purchase patterns. This will help you run more targeted, personalized, and relevant SMS and e-mail campaigns to again create more loyal and happy customers.

Did you know that… if you keep 5% more customers, profits increase by as much as 25% -95%? (Harvard Business School)

Customers appreciate stores that do their utmost to create a great shopping experience. Good benefits, offers and promotions can attract new and existing customers into the store. If you analyze what they buy and what they are interested in, you can create relevant campaigns based on customer behavior and preferences.

2. Personalized and relevant SMS and email communication

Personalized and relevant communication is crucial to help create more loyal and happy customers, and for driving sales and repeat purchases. You can use both SMS- and email marketing, and the best communication strategy is often to use both.

  • SMS – marketing

SMS marketing is highly effective. According to Link Mobility, 90% of all SMSs are read within 3 minutes, 98% of all SMSs are opened, and SMS has a 209% higher response rate than emails or Facebook messages. In other words, hardly anyone leaves an SMS unread. This makes SMS – marketing the perfect tool to help get customers back to your store, to shop more frequently.

  • Email marketing 

Email marketing is a less effective marketing tool than SMS, with an average open rate of only 20%. However, in turn email marketing can be less intrusive than an SMS. As the frequency of SMS – marketing is 1-3 per month, email marketing can be sent as often as you find suitable for your customers.

Overall, this makes a communication strategy with both SMS and email – marketing the most efficient one when it comes to driving customers back to your store.

3. Exceptional customer service

Customers who receive good customer service are more likely to stay loyal to your brand and continue choosing your store over your competitors. Therefore, you should go above and beyond to meet their needs and resolve issues quickly.

Diller reward strategy

How to reward your best customers with Diller

In today’s highly competitive business market, it is no longer enough to offer high-quality products or services. It is just as important, if not more, to keep your customers satisfied through a good shopping experience and through good customer service. With a good loyalty and rewards program, you can reward your loyal customers, while increasing the probability that they will continue to shop with you – increasing your stores’ overall revenue. 

In this blog post we will explore how you can use Diller to reward your best customers in less than 3 minutes.

The Diller Dashboard

With Diller and the privacy consent and data protection compliance registration for your members, you have access to a large amount of relevant information about your customers, their interests and purchase history. This information and more are available in our dashboard, where you also will be able to see the results of your marketing activities.

See who your most important and best customers are, and use this information to do more activities that increase sales and loyalty among your customers.

An art & craft store sent an SMS campaign to the top 20 customers who had made the most purchases. Of these customers, 50% used the coupon they received, resulting in an ROI of $84.13. This demonstrates the effectiveness of marketing to your best customers.

Craft a powerful SMS campaign to your best customers in just minutes

One of the reports available on the Diller dashboard is your top 10 most loyal customers (those who have shopped the most with you). We have made it convenient for store owners to direct their marketing efforts towards these customers by introducing a “Create campaign” button on this report. This feature allows you to easily create and send an SMS campaign to these customers in minutes!

Overall, Diller makes it easy for you to create effective SMS campaigns that can help drive customer engagement and loyalty.

How to get started with Diller Loyalty on your Shopify store

The Diller Loyalty app is a powerful tool for boosting customer loyalty and retention on your Shopify store. With Diller you can view and analyze customers’ interests and purchase patterns, and reward them with a welcome bonus, birthday rewards, points and VIP programs, for referrals, and so much more. You can also send personalized SMSs and emails to keep your customers loyal and increase revenue on your ecommerce store. 

Getting started with the Diller Loyalty app for Shopify is quick and easy, and in this article, we’ll walk you through the 3 steps you need to take to create and launch the perfect loyalty program for your ecommerce store. 

Step 1: Install the app 

The first step is to install the Diller Loyalty app on your Shopify store. You can find the app in the Shopify app store by searching for “Diller Loyalty”. Once you’ve found the app you can click the “Add app” button to add it to your store. Find the app in your Shopify admin and click “Install app”. 

Step 2: Customize the loyalty program design 

After you’ve installed the app, you can start a quick 4 – steps onboarding process to create a loyalty program tailored to your business and your customers’ need, as well as customize the loyalty program widget to fit your store and brand perfectly.  

Step 3: Launch your loyalty program 

After you’ve set up your loyalty program and customized the design of the app, it’s time to launch your program! Click the “Launch the loyalty program!” app in the last and final step of the onboarding process to launch the app. Customers can register to your loyalty program, and will start earning points for their purchases, as well as will be able to redeem rewards through the Diller Loyalty widget that appears on your Shopify store! 

Remember; we offer you a FREE onboarding meeting  

Still having trouble with getting started? Our amazing onboarding team can help you get started in only 40 minutes – free of charge! Book a meeting directly in our calendar here