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Simon Sinek Inc. on customer loyalty

Loyalty is not a program to be administered. Loyalty is a feeling.

There is a difference between repeat business and loyalty. Repeat business simply means that someone transacts with you multiple times. You likely offer them some sort of convenience – price, location, selection.

Loyalty is different. It’s a willingness to go out of one’s way to choose to do business with you. When we are loyal we are willing to suffer some sort of inconvenience to continue to do business with you.

Stephen Shedletzky, Simon Sinek Inc.
Article from April 2021 (LinkedIn)

Making the customer visible with loyalty program

How to make the “invisible” customer visible?

Stricter privacy laws and the ban on third-party coookies make targeted marketing both difficult and expensive.

Make the “invisible” customer visible with a good loyalty program

Today a customer can go in and out of the store and be completely “invisible”. It doesn’t have to be that way, however – and the future-oriented companies won’t let it happen. By collecting customer data in your own marketing channel in a way that customers both approve and like, you can effectively avoid the problem. An “invisible” customer becomes “visible”, a person you get to know and can communicate with.

Is it really that simple? Yes, it actually is.

Diller is integrated with a number of POS checkout systems and web stores, which means you have a ready-made loyalty program that’s fully integrated with what you already are using.

By recruiting members to the loyalty program, you automatically get GDPR privacy consent and can start the customer dialogue in your own market channel – a loyalty platform that you own. You are constantly collecting new customer data and can tailor your communication. You no longer need expensive marketing on Google, Facebook or Instagram.

Start today and build for the future

Diller makes it a lot easier and cheaper to get customers back into your store or web store. When you have a returning customer, your sale increases without spending money on marketing. You are increasing your sales while at the same time collecting data and gaining invaluable insight into what your customers want today, tomorrow and the day after. It’s just a matter of getting started!

What does it mean when Google turns off “cookies”?

Privacy concerns have led to Google blocking so-called third-party cookies, which are cookies that track the traffic of all of us on the Internet. Google will no longer sell ads based on cookies from 2022, so for advertisers it’s important to find another form of communication with customers.

What does it mean for stores that need to maintain or improve customer relationships?

If you have already created a loyalty program , you have received the GDPR consent from the members, so your communication is unchanged, which means that you can maintain a relevant dialogue with the customers regardless of whether cookies are turned off or not.

If you do not have a loyalty program, it can be much more difficult to have relevant and customized communication with potential customers, as advertising opportunities are severely limited. Read more about the benefits of loyalty programs here .

Read more about the change:


What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that are created on websites you visit and that stores your search history. The information is used to adapt ads and information. Cookies can keep you logged into websites, remember your preferences, and give you customized content.

There are two types of cookies, where one type stores information on the relevant page you visit, while third-party cookies are created by other websites. These external pages own the content you see on the page you are visiting, such as ads. It is third-party cookies that will be stopped, mainly for privacy reasons.